to the Editor or authors of articles. Please DO NOT SEND ANY- THING TO BE REMAILED TO BOX 36091. If you do it will be return- to you. If this regulation is not adhered to, the P.0. Dept. can close the box, This would make continuation of the mag- azine difficult. So---send all mail having to do with the mag- azine itself to the box and all remailing material to "CONTACT" 4924 West Pico Blvd. L.A. 19, Calif, Conversely do not send subscription money or payments for purchases to this address, YOU MUST COOPERATE IN THIS MATTER OR THE JIG IS UP!!!
IV. ORDER BLANK : Just inside the back cover you will find a colored sheet. It can be cut out without disturbing the rest of the magazine, Please use it for ordering any of the items listed. It will help in keeping track at this end as it can be filed and checked back on in case of an error or question. It will also remind you whether you have resubscribed or not. It is divided in half so you can use each at different times. V. AGAIN AN APOLOGY: No. 10 looked pretty ragged but it could not be helped. Everything that could go wrong did with that issue did. I was in San Francisco when I got a long dis- tance call from my wife that the plates I had typed up would not print so the whole thing had to be retyped by my printer's wife without benefit of instructions from me. Then the binder bound the pics in the wrong order so that Charlottes pics were not with her story. In the hurry we didnt notice that Marian's cover design had been laid out for #11 so that had to be corrected in ink. The ragged pages were due to the fact that two of them had to be inserted in the mag. after it had been trimmed, and it couldn't be trimmed again without cutting into the cover design. All in all you were lucky to get it at all! VI. SUGGESTION: Keep a record of money sent in, date sent, what for and whether by cash, check or M.0. Then when some fusion arizes you can tell me how, when and how much money was sent. It will help in straightening things out.
VII. DRAWINGS by Barbara Jean are not items for sale just in- teresting drawings for the mag. B.J. is a very good artist and can draw a femininely dressed TV from a man's photo. This may
be a way for those of you too big, too inhibited, or with fam- ily problems to see how you'd look as a stylish girl.